reports of sight of the strange unidentified flying craft, were sitting on the slope of Star Hill
near Warminster, England, hoping to catch a glimpse of it. But instead of the UFO, what they witnessed
that night was much more thrilling to them, to the logical world as well. Nearly a hundred feet away they
saw an imprint take shape, a large circular area of plants that collapsed like a lady opening a fan.
Since then a lot of eyewitnesses from as far away as British Columbia have reported the formation of a crop circle,
which takes less than twenty seconds to materialize, often accompanied by sightings of unusual lights and structured
craft beaming shafts of light onto the field the night before.
But what is a crop circle?
Crop circles are nothing but complicated geometrical patterns, usually in wheat fields.
I crop circles, crop is mysteriously found laid flat, in patterns, that did not exist in daylight the previous day.

Till date there have been over 9000 reported and documented crop circles throughout the world, with some 90% of them coming from England.
But who creates crop circles?
Some people believe that the patterns are left by the imprint of an extra-terrestrial craft, or that they are a message
from extra-terrestrials themselves. Another theory is that natural forces such as tornadoes, heat or strong winds create
the patterns by flattering the crops, but the regular shape of most crop circles makes this unlikely.
The most likely explanation is that the circles are made by people as a hoax. They gradually build up a design
by flattening the wheat, using very basic equipment such a rope and planks of wood.